lundi 29 février 2016

le 29 fevrier. Nous sommes chez nous. We're home

Le voyage était long, mais nous voilà encore en France.  Ce n’est pas encore le printemps, 5 degrés ce matin, en dessous de  zéro pendant la nuit.  Mais il y des fleurs!
Long trip, but we’re back in France.  Not spring yet, with 5 degrees this morning, and below zero during the night.  But we have flowers.

Gaëtan a élagué l’albizzia devant le prunus.  
Our gardener, Gaëtan pruned the albizzia in front of the flowering plum

1 commentaire:

Krys and Paul a dit…

So pretty! We felt like we were in France yesterday, driving to Toronto and back in the mist. Lots of snowdrops here in St Mary's - not so many in Toronto though Marj's hellebores were budding nicely. Snow predicted for next week though.